Shared Culture

“SHARED CULTURE - Strategic Project for the knowledge and availability of shared cultural heritage” was financed in the framework of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013.

The main  purpose of the project is the promotion of the shared cultural heritage of the Italy – Slovenia cross-border areas through a series of actions aiming at the evaluation and a more rational fruition of the cultural heritage of the area and the recognition of a more diversified audience, like, for instance, restoration, cataloguing and digitalization of artefacts.


Among the operative measures, the projects included:

  • Recovery, preservation, restoration and valorization of the historical cultural heritage;
  • Pooling of knowledge regarding protection and restoration
  • Training in restoration of professionals
  • Development of cultural networks for a better cooperation and fruition


The project also aims at the following issues: 

  • Renovation of Palazzo Baseggio (Koper);
  • The establishment of an Inter-university Centre for study and documentation of the historical and cultural heritage of Veneto c/o Palazzo Baseggio (Koper);
  • Setting up of a historical digital archive;
  • Training of professionals in restoration matters;
  • Online catalogue of sources and documents;
  • Pilot projects for restoring finds from the archeological sites in Veneto;
  • Cataloguing and digitalization of artefacts;



Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno - raziskovalno središče Koper Università del Litorale, Centro di ricerche scientifiche di Capodistria 


Comune città di Capodistria 
Regione del Veneto - Unità complessa progetti strategici e politiche comunitarie
Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije
Comunità autogestita della nazionalità italiana di Capodistria 

Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Centro Interdipartimentale IDEAS 

Università degli studi di Udine - Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali 


Click here to select the volumes printed by the Regione Veneto




