Who we are


The Cultural Services Office of the Province of Venice, located in S. Marco 2662, 30134 Venice, manage the Provincial Museum of Torcello and is also responsible for:

• the enhancement, promotion and fruition of the provincial museal heritage;

• development and promotion of Provincial Museum Library System (network services for libraries, union catalogue, interlibrary loan, reading promotion, coordination of a provincial museum network, training for operators

• observatory over llbrarian and museum teaching


Management staff:


Chief Officer Gloria Vidali

Telephone: 041/2501776, 041/2501818

Email: museo.torcello@provincia.venezia.it


Officer in Charge Cecilia Casaril

Tel. 041/2501780, 041/2501879

Fax. 041/5328508

Email: museo.torcello@provincia.venezia.it


Brenno Costantini

Museum of Torcello

Tel. 041/730761

Fax. 041/730875

Email: museo.torcello@provincia.venezia.it